

picture of Reiki being performedPronounced (ray-kee), Reiki is a gentle technique of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  Reiki is given through the hands of a Reiki practitioner with the client lying fully clothed on a massage table.  The Reiki practitioner places her hands lightly touching at locations around the head and body or holds her hands slightly away from the body.  Reiki energy flows into the client’s body and energy field to increase the client’s supply of life energy.  When your life energy is not flowing properly it may result in blockages, which can turn into areas of pain or disease.  Reiki helps improve or removes these blockages for better health.

Tera-Mai 1st Degree
Usui Rei


To book a session with Judy call 519-615-0101, or
Payment by cash, cheque or e-transfer